"The Grandeur Peak fund raiser was born out of my passion for the Wasatch Mountains and my unusual escapades up Grandeur Peak. I want this fund-raiser to bring awareness to the unique air-pollution challenges we face living in the Salt Lake Basin, raise money for an exceptional non-profit group, and encourage folks to come enjoy a summit or two (or three or four…) on Grandeur Peak. Join me on March 3rd, 2012 at the Grandeur Peak west side trail-head, I’ll be going at it from about 6AM until midnight trying to reach the summit ten times. Make whatever donation you can or make a pledge of $1, 5, 10 or more for each time I reach the summit as I shoot for my goal, which equates to over 33,000′ of gain, more than doing Mount Everest from sea level. I will be wearing a SPOT tracker so you can monitor my progress online here."

I Pledged! Not much but every bit counts.....I took my Family up to the trailhead, it looked like ants all over the mountain...good to see he had company. I get sore from one descent down that beast let alone ten!!
Of all the days to pick for 10 summits, this one started out cold with thigh deep snow in places. Christian had to pull Jared off the front so we could all take turns cutting trail. Jared is one tough guy. 10 summits of Grandeur is huge feat, but increase the difficulty a few notches today. One trip up and down was enough for me today.
Thanks for all your help guys, I couldn't have done it without it. Especially that first lap up, brutal trail breaking! Erik, I really enjoyed hiking/running with you on laps 9 and 10. 9 was hard for me and I was happy to have company. 10 was magical and a beautifully clear summit at about 2:50 AM. Thanks guys.
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