Somehow I was optimistic Rocky Raccoon 100 would be no different. For the past month I’ve been rather broken – a couple of hamstrings that have been super sore and weak. I’m not sure how it happened, but my theory is that it was a combination of a heavy racing schedule last fall (three 100’s in three months), over training (three-a-day workouts over the Christmas holiday), and Bikram yoga. As I started the month of January I could hardly run. A planned 20 mile run on the 8th of the month resulted in a “please come pick me up” call to my wife at mile 14. The last 7 miles of a 21-mile run a week later felt like the final couple of hours of a 100 – counting the miles, counting the minutes, literally counting the steps. How could I be this broken?
I mostly rested the two weeks prior to RR100 confident that the legs would feel better. I knew I wouldn’t be in racing condition having run less than 100 miles during the month, but I felt confident I could knock off a respectable sub 16 or 17 hundred.

As the horn sounded, I took off with the fast kids and initially felt great. It was fun to participate in the early miles banter. I ran with Liza Howard for a bit and basked in the good energy that she emits.
At about mile-10 I begin to feel the numbness and sharp random twangs of pain in the back of my legs that I have been experiencing the past month. Accompanying the numbness and pain was the loss of fine motor control that required extra concentration on foot placement and made it difficult to maintain my turnover. I focused on maintaining my turnover, optimistically thinking this was just some early race faux pain that would soon pass.
But the hammys would have nothing to do with it. I couldn’t maintain the turnover, I was sluggish on the inclines, my legs were weak and the pain was rather bothersome. At the Park Road aid station (15.5 miles) I began the internal debate of whether I should drop. I knew a decent race was not going to happen, but I didn’t want to drop. I was quite certain I could slog out the distance, but what would be the cost to my body and legs? Would I hurt myself further? How much longer might it take to get healthy?
At the end of the first 20 mile loop I announced that I was intending to drop but wanted to run another loop so I could have a long training run (40 miles for the day) and also make sure that this wasn’t a case of a weak head rather than weak legs. Since I was no longer racing I was better able to truly enjoy the beauty of this course, chat with a number of runners and spend some time at aid stations thanking the volunteers. While I was enjoying being on the course, I just couldn’t keep the legs moving. I tried maintaining an 8:15 pace, then I settled for 8:30 minute miles. Soon those become 9:00 minute miles. And towards the end I was flirting with 10:00 minute miles. The legs had no juice and my hamstrings ached and burned. I knew I was making the right decision to drop at mile 40.
While I know I made the right decision, I was still enveloped in the “race that didn’t go as expected” funk. If you haven’t experienced this funk, it sucks. You feel empty inside. You replay training, the race, and outside circumstances in your mind trying to figure out what went wrong and what you would different next time. You question if you are meant to run. And if you have traveled to a race, you just want to be home. I went to a movie that afternoon to try and escape the funk and found myself reflecting on the race and not even following the movie. Even a long hot shower and good bottle of red wine (two of my favorite things) couldn’t get me out of the funk. The next morning I was no better.

Postscript – I’m glad to be home. The funk is mostly gone. The hammys feel no worse than they did before the race. I know I made the right choice by quitting. I’m already flirting with the idea of wanting to run RR100 in 2013 – it is a fun, fast and pretty course that I know I could do well on if healthy. Gone are the thoughts of not wanting to run or race. I think I will be OK!!
last year when I dropped at Bear I felt a lot of the same feelings you expressed about RR. Immediately after the race, I tried to ignore the physical/mental burnout I was experiencing and get back into training. I think my stubborn, too quick, return to running set me back even further as I punished myself into an injury mode where I could barely walk. It wasn't until I finally took a full 10 days off from all running and then started training over basically from scratch that my body and mind truly started to respond positively. GET SOME REST . . .
Resting properly is just as important as the running itself. When your body is done, it's done. Rest up Jay. You did make the right choice.
A coach once told me that the biggest mistake runners can make is changing what they do when they start seeing success. Keep doing what got you where you are... it worked ;)
Jay - I had a similar sort of thing before and after the desert solstice 24 hr. I wasn't really injured going into it, but in retrospect I was definitely a bit beat up from several 100s over the summer/fall. I definitely learned from that to be a little more careful in terms of not doing too much. I took about 2.5 weeks completely off (and I mean completely as in no running, cross training, or much of anything in the way of physical activity). After that break it obviously took a little to start to feel decent running again but after ~10 days I felt significantly better. That was just my experience...for whatever it is worth.
Good that you are going to give a 24hr a try - you will find out that it is really different than a 100 ;-) I would be happy to give you any advice, but my attempt was pretty much a failure so it may not be too useful! Out of curiosity, where are you doing it?
Thanks guys for the insight and perspective... I'm hearing REST loud & clear (though easier said than done). Scott - I definitely was dialed into the formula last year, but made the mistake of believing that "more training = more better results." Wrong! I know that I don't need high mileage and that I need to get back to focusing on quality miles. Nick - I'm going to do just what the good Dr. P. recommends and take 7-10 days off. January is the perfect time of year for that. I'm lucky this isn;t happening in June :-) Then its smart and quality training for the Athens International Ultramarathon Festival on March 31st. I'd love to pick your brain on what you know and have learned about 24-hour runs.
Yeah, rest is a tough pill to swallow sometimes, but I would bet after you take some you will be happy you did.
Have fun in Greece! Do they have Dairy Queen for your pre-race meal there? :-)
Feel free to send me an e-mail with any questions you may have. I would be glad to give you any advice I can.
It was horrible out there. I am taking a forced (voluntary and involuntary, meaning I want to but I don't want to) two week break after that race. Rest will help. I plan to come back fresh and ready to take on the rest of the year.
Sometimes the bad ones put into perspective just how amazing the good ones are. Your 2011 year was second to none and you'll be back on track ASAP.
It was great hanging and thanks so much for making my Superbowl bearable!!!!
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